b'DELIVER ON The teams responded quickly and BUSINESS CHANGE solved all problems in a timely manner. I am really satisfied with the result and In business, change is inevitable. Successful companies today are agile and ready to adapt quicklythe experience of working with them.to a rapidly changing environment. With digitalIsmael Barcel Serrano, Group Systems Manager, REYSERdisruption and the escalating rate of technology,IT teams play a critical role during change periodsto facilitate smooth, seamless transitions.We specialise in extracting the right data and Changes such as mergers, acquisitions, regional tomigrating it rapidly, to enable the transformation global transitions and subsidiary sales can affect yourof the SAP Landscape. Our System Landscape entire SAP production landscape and beyond. TheseOptimisation (SLO) teamusing a specially enabled events are complex, critical and time-sensitive. Yourversion of the Data Sync Manager (DSM) software data may need to be merged, carved out or split up. suiteis perfectly suited to implement these changes.EPI-USE Labs offers powerful solutions, experiencedWeve built a bank of expertise and intellectual people and proven methodologies to help youcapital to draw on when your company undergoes a keep ahead of the game. Many business decisionslandscape transformation, such as transformations or have a far-reaching effect on the IT landscape, anddata migrations, ERP system splits (divestitures, HR require skills outside of normal company expertisemodule split-off), or re-platforming (re-implementing). to realign SAP systems with the direction and goalsOur experienced consultants will oversee the technical of the business. We can augment your project teamphases of the project, dealing with all the complexities with expert technical and solution skills, leaving yourinherent in these types of projects. More importantly, internal experts to focus on the wider businessour technology-driven approach can significantly change project.reduce the end-to-end project duration.'