b'MASS DATA REMOVAL SERVICES DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY Nearly all organisations have some historical data theyEffective data privacy and security spans everything no longer have legal grounds for storing, from formerfrom goals and strategies to best practice and employees family details to bank account numbers.technical solutions. We provide a range of services, We have a simple approach to clearing this old data,including risk assessment and compliance support, without the need for complex archiving projects.and a data privacy assessment service with data The technology used in Data Redact for redactingdiscovery, workshops and an analysis report. or removing specific information for an individual data subject can be leveraged by one of our expert consultants with a specific licence mode to allowDATA ENCRYPTIONmass record selections and parallel processing. TheYour information and communications can be better consultant will also assist with the exact definitions ofprotected and secured using encryption technologies. the data that should be removed in the initial cleanOur Cryptographic Library can help you meet local up, and how to select those records. and international data protection laws for structured and unstructured data.'